Some Startups Fail & Some Succeed

Andrew Constable MBA, LSSBB
3 min readMar 9, 2021

Some startups failed, and some startups succeeded. For every startup, there is a story of struggle and failure to the entrepreneur’s credit. Of course, there is another group of startups that never got off the ground at all. And these stories become the cautionary tales for future startups that are created.

Failure general themes

Unfortunately, the story of each failed business is unique. A closer examination of the common startup failures reveals several general themes. The most common themes are inadequate planning, poor market size, poor timing, poor strategic decisions, bad execution, and building something nobody wants. Other themes include the inability to determine a strategic direction, an exit strategy, a lack of a product or service fit, a poor funding source, and low interactions within the company. All of these themes require careful testing and revisions to the original ideas and visions of the entrepreneur.

In addition to this theme, each failed startup requires careful questioning of the entrepreneur’s ability to test, tweak, adjust, and evolve his/her business idea. Incorrect testing procedures can result in many expensive mistakes.

Most entrepreneurs fail because of their inattention to detail, poor timing, poor strategic decisions, poor execution. All of these aspects can…



Andrew Constable MBA, LSSBB

I Help Develop Winning Business Models, Impactful Strategy Formulation and Aligned Strategy Execution - Plain and Simple!