Startups And Product Teams, Don’t Execute Business Ideas Without Evidence

Andrew Constable MBA, LSSBB
4 min readSep 6, 2021

Ideas can come from anywhere, and generating ideas is easy.

The difficulty is that good ideas can be few and far between, and it can be challenging at first to distinguish a good idea from a bad one. Moreover, it’s easy to accumulate sunk costs from pursuing a bad idea for too long. That’s why, when developing an idea as a startup or product team, we need to test, test and test some more.

The purpose of testing business ideas is to validate an idea at a minimal expense of effort, time and, importantly, cost. This provides an early assessment of whether your idea meets one of three criteria of good product ideas. These are sometimes called the three lenses; they are that customers find your idea desirable (desirability), that you can build and deliver your idea (feasibility) and, lastly, that you can ensure your idea produces a profit (viability). Strong product teams know that ideas must be tested; after all, building, measuring and learning are key aspects of the lean startup process.

However, many teams go straight to building. Why measure or learn when you can build more and even more?

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Andrew Constable MBA, LSSBB

I Help Develop Winning Business Models, Impactful Strategy Formulation and Aligned Strategy Execution - Plain and Simple!